Thursday, September 27, 2012

Battles of Educational Theories

In the Blog post, "Out and About: Discussion on Educational Schools of Thought" there is an interesting conversation being held by multiple educational minds and in this conversation the concept of the various educational theories is addressed. In this conversation, the speakers agree that there are various "isms" in education and that maybe the best school of thought is to utilize/employ the best of each of these theories instead of one or the other. I definitely agree with this idea for there are numerous ways to learn and to exclude completely any educational theory would be shortsighted. As mentioned in the original blog, learning encompasses many aspects therefore it makes sense that multiple theories should be incorporated in the learning process. I also think the division of the major theories into learning appropriate ages was well done too. Behaviorism definitely seems best applicable to a younger learner while cognitivism seems to fit a young adult learner, leaving constructivism to be the best approach for older/adult learners. The only issue I have with this post, isn't really an issue but a question/idea to pose. Undoubtedly there are numerous theories in education and each theory can overlap in ideas while still having offering something useful. However, I do feel there are some theories which possess contradictory approaches or elements. Bearing this in mind, how does one decide which parts of each theory to use in the education process when some of those theories have contradictory components.  

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Changing the Culture of Education

If anyone was at the residency in MN this summer you may have already seen this video but I absolutely love both what is said and the illustrations. This video, by Sir Ken Robinson, is a very creative way of showing viewers where education was, where it is now, and how it must evolve to prepare for a successful future.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

How People Learn and the Importance of Learning Theory in Educational Technology

There exists numerous learning styles and there are various ways people effectively learn. Much of my ideas of how people learn best revolve around the theories postulated by John Dewey. Much of his social learning theory focuses on the importance of experiential learning (learning through educative experiences) and the role of the teacher being more of a facilitator than a dictator of learning. Allowing people the opportunity to learn through experiences instead of rote memorization presents the learner with a practical application of the content being learned while allowing him the chance to associate that content with a memorable activity. This association makes it easier to recall the information thus increasing retention and the experience allows for a deeper level of understanding as well. The teacher’s role in this learning process is also a vital component of effective learning because the teacher is more of a guide through the learning journey instead of a dictator of content to be memorized. Through this role the student and the teacher go through the learning experience together allowing the teacher to help along the way and be an integral part of the learning process.  
This type of learning applies perfectly to educational technology because when learners are allowed to experience the technology (with some guidelines) then the experience becomes more memorable as does the content. Plus, the nature of technology forces users to experience the powers of that technology, and to dictate everything the learner is to do would stifle creativity while handcuffing the learner. Knowing effective learning theories such as this which apply to educational technology allows the teacher a better opportunity to craft a learning experience which will be engaging, effective, and educative.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Welcome, ladies and gentleman, students and teachers, colleagues and guests. I am not exactly certain how this blog will develop or transform but my initial hopes are for it to become a place where teachers and colleagues can refer to for links, reviews, and ideas of various way to implement educational technology. I also hope this space can be a place for my students and myself to reflect on our learning while being a gateway for those not in my classroom to view the educational journey we will be on this year. This is my first attempt creating a blog, and although I know there will be some bumps and mishaps along the way, I look forward to the journey. I hope as I grow in my knowledge and usage of this technology so will yours through the readings and interactions of the content presented. Thanks for visiting and comeback often.


Danny Wysong
MAED - Curriculum and Intruction
PhD - Education w/ Specialization in Educational Technology (Currently Pursuing)
7th grade Honors/Accelerated ELA Teacher
Forestrbook Middle School