Monday, February 17, 2014

Assessing Collaborative Efforts - MD 3

Collaboration is a vital tool in online learning and distance education, but how to grade collaboration can be a tricky endeavor. For one, students bring a variety of knowledge and experience levels which can effect how one is graded, especially since that grading system must be “fair and equitable.” This can be done by utilizing a rubric so that the expectations of the collaboration is clearly spelled out and a teacher has the information and tools to know exactly what is required within the collaborative activity. Another benefit of collaboration within a distance learning environment is the opportunity for the student to build his/her professional network and extending his/her learning environment. However, what does one do with a student who is not collaborating? If the non-contributing member’s lack of collaboration is negatively affecting the group then one of them should try to contact the member (non-combatively) to discern what is wrong and ensure their hasn't been a form of miscommunication. If that does not work, then the instructor may have to intervene, which may entail removing him from the group or some other form of action so as not to punish the entire group.

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